NCERT Questions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 3 – Current Electricity

In Class 12 Physics, Chapter 3 covers the topic of Current Electricity. This chapter is essential for understanding the fundamental concepts of electricity and its applications. In this guide, we will discuss some important questions and answers related to Current Electricity.

Important Questions with Solutions of Class 12 Physics Chapter 3 – Current Electricity

1) Resistivities of copper, silver & manganin are 1.7 x 10-8 Ωm, 1.0 x 10-8 Ωm & 44 x 10-8 Ωm respectively. Find out which one of these is the best conductor.

Ans – Resistance is directly proportional to desired resistance (resistivity) when length l & area A are made constant i.e, R =ρl/A.

Therefore, silver is the best conductor since its resistance is low.

2) Two hot wires of the same size are first linked in series & then parallel to the supply source. Calculate the heat ratio in the 2 cases.

Ans – As you know,

H = I2Rt (I = V/R)

⇒ H ∝ 1/R

Thus, the heat output ratio is 1:4.

3) A series of n-identical resistors where every resistance is calculated RΩ when linked in series got an effective resistance of XΩ & once the resistors are merged in parallel they have an effective resistance of YΩ. Calculate between R, X & Y.

Ans – As you know,

n-resistors when linked in series => X=nR …(1)

n-resistors when connected in parallel => Y=R/n …(2)

Multiply both the equations (1) & (2),

=> XY = nR*R/n

=> XY = R2

4) The figure shows a section of a pure semiconductor S in series having a variable resistor R & a source of constant voltage V. Will you increase & decrease the value of R to read the same value in ammeter (A) during the heating of the semiconductor S? Justify your reasons!

Ans – The resistance of a semiconductor reduces when the temperature increases. Hence, the semiconductor S is heated to raise the temperature levels.

The circuit’s total resistance should not be varied for a constant current flow in the ammeter. Therefore, you must increase the value of R.

5) A battery of emf E & internal resistance r passes a current of I1 & I2 when linked with an external resistance of R1 & R2. Calculate the battery’s internal resistance & EMF.

Ans – As you know,

E is the emf of the battery, and r is the internal resistance which carries the currents I1, I2 & R1, R2 are the external resistances.

Current I1 can be denoted as: I1 = E/(R1+r)

E = I1 (R1+r) …(1)

In the same way E = I2 (R2+r) …(2)

From the equation 1 & 2,

I1 (R1+r) = I2 (R2+r)

I2r – I1r = I1R1 – I2R2

r (I2-I1) = I1R1 – I2R2

r = (I1R1-I2R2)/(I2-I1)

Now the EMF of the battery

E = I1(R1+r)

So, the battery’s internal resistance & EMF are,

6) a) 3 resistors 1Ω, 2Ω & 3Ω are linked in series. Calculate the overall resistance of the connection.

Ans – From the given data, 3 resistors of resistances 1Ω, 2Ω & 3Ω are connected in series. The total resistance of the linked is the algebraic sum of the individual resistances. So, the total resistance is 1 + 2 + 3 = 6Ω.

b) If the values are connected to a 12V EMF battery & neutral internal resistance, find the power drop across every resistor.

Ans – Assume that the current flowing in the circuit is the I.

EMF of the battery E = 12V

The total resistance of the circuit R = 6Ω

Using Ohm’s law, the current relationship is given by: I = E/R

I = 12/6 = 2A

Imagine the potential drop across 1Ω the resistor as V1

Using Ohm’s law, V1 can have the obtained value V1 = 2 x 1 = 2V …(1)

Consider the potential drop across 2Ω resistor as V2

Using Ohm’s law, the value of V2 can be calculated as V2 = 2 x 2 = 4V …(2)

Consider the potential drop across a 3Ω resistor as V3

Then with Ohm’s law, V3 = 2 x 3 = 6V …(3)

So the potential drops across resistors 1Ω, 2Ω & 3Ω are 2V, 4V & 6V respectively.

7) A small current is passed through a 15 m-long wire with a cross-section of 6.0 x 10-7 m2 & its resistance is 5.0Ω. Calculate the material resistivity at a temp of this survey.

Ans – As we know from above,

The length of the wire is l = 15m

Cross-section area of the wire a = 6.0 x 10-7 m2

Material resistance of the wire R = 5.0Ω

Let p be the resistance of the material in the wire

Since the resistance is linked with resistivity,

R = ρ l/A

ρ = RA/l

ρ = (5 x 6.0 x 10-7)/15

ρ = 2 x 10-7 m2 So, the internal resistance of the material is 2 x 10-7 m2.

8) A nichrome-driven heating element connected to a 230 V supply draws an initial current of 3.2A which, when held up for a few seconds, has a constant current of 2.8A. If the room has an internal temperature of 27°C then calculate the constant temperature of the element. Given the nichrome’s temperature coefficient of resistance over the temperature range is denoted as 1.70 x 10-1C-1.

Ans – From the equation above, the supply voltage will be V = 230V

The initial current drawn is I1 = 3.2A

Let R1 be the initial resistance.

Using Ohm’s law, R1=V/I1

R1 = 230/3.2 = 71.87Ω

Steady-State Value of Current I2 = 2.8A

Let the steady-state resistance be R.

Using Ohm’s law, R2 = V/I2

R2 = 230/2.8 = 82.14Ω

Let the internal temperature coefficient of nichrome be α = 1.70 x 10-4 C-1

Then the initial temperature of nichrome will be T1 = 27 C

Let the steady state heat of attainment of nichrome be T2

Now use the formula of α,

T2 – 27 = 840.5

T2 = 867.5 C

So, the static temperature of a heating element is 867.5°C.

9) Consider a silver with 2.1Ω resistance at 27.5°C & 2.7Ω resistance at 100°C. Calculate the thermal resistance coefficient of silver.

Ans – As you know,

Temperature T1 = 27.5°C

The resistance of the silver wire at T1 is R1 = 2.1Ω

Temperature T2 = 100°C

Resistance of silver wire at T2 is R2 = 2.7Ω

Assume the internal temperature coefficient of silver is α.

The relation between temperature & resistance is given by the formula,

Thus, the coefficient of heating of silver is 0.0039° C-1.